Photo Credit: Jo Bridges



Goats were one of the first animals domesticated by humans nearly 10,000 years ago.


They are thought to have discovered coffee. Approximately 2500 years ago an Ethiopian goat herder, called Kaldi, noticed that after eating a certain berry his goats would stay awake all night!


They are very intelligent! They can learn their name and come when called. They can learn certain words and their meanings so if you tell them it’s dinner time they will know what you mean.


They are herd animals and need to live in numbers but they don’t flock together like sheep.


Some goats have wattles while others don’t. . It is believed that these skin appendages are evolutionary remnants of a gland no longer needed or required by the body.


Goats have rectangle pupils that give them up to 340 degree vision


Not all goats have horns. Some breeds are polled which means they don't have horns. But, very rarely, a goat has more than two horns, which is known as polycerate.


Each goat sounds different, just like humans. They can even have accents!


They are sensitive to their humans emotions and will know from facial expressions, tone of voice or body language how we are feeling.






Pan was the Greek god of the wild, shepherds and hunters. He is often depicted with goat's feet, two horns and playing a flute or panpipes.


Faunus was a Roman god of the fields, forests, and flocks, Faunus was often depicted as half-man, half-goat, and was associated with merriment and fertility.


In Norse mythology, the goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr pull Thor's chariot across the sky.


Hindus have many goat gods - Naigamesha, associated with children and childbirth. Daksha, according to legend,  was beheaded for insulting Shiva and then resurrected with the head of a goat.  Agni the Hindu fire god, whose vahana, or vehicle, is depicted as a he-goat. Karttikeya is depicted with the head of a goat, or riding a goat or a chariot pulled by goats

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