Clean Out Day
Because, as back garden goat keepers, we generally don't have huge indoor areas. This will mean a regular clean out every week or two with 'spot cleaning' in between.
We do ours weekly and keep it very simple. Once all the old bedding has been removed we sprinkle ground sanitizer all over and this soaks up any damp spots while also deodorising. We then spread a layer of wood shavings (sawdust is too dusty and may cause respiratory issues) followed by a layer of straw at one end and their raised bed. We sprinkle louse powder on the bedding to help prevent mites and lice.
Every day we poo pick and remove any sodden bedding, put more ground sanitizer on the wet patches, adding more bedding if necessary and sprinkling with louse powder again.
Your biggest problem is going to be disposal of bedding because, like us, you won't have space for a big enough compost heap (plus your neighbours may complain about the smell!) We pay our local council for a large, metal wheelie bin that they come and empty each week


Laying down the ground sanitizer


Our goats love to get involved with cleaning out. But they also enjoy escaping into the stores and get into mischief!

The best bit about clean out day is all the fresh straw they can eat!

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